Saturday, August 9, 2014

Challenge #1 Results : The Pinnacle of Nonsense

     I would like to give a special shout out to Matthew Gardiner. Without his help wrangling up participants, this experiment would not have been nearly as successful.
     This was my first time doing anything of this nature, and I must say I was pleasantly overwhelmed with the results. It kind of took on a life of it's own, and warped into something other than was originally intended, which was part of the experiment. You all had me rolling around on my bed in fits of laughter. Well done. You are all completely bonkers. 10,000 awesome points for everyone that participated.
     If you don't see some of your entries in the compilation below, keep in mind, anything that was more or less than SIX words did not get included. Other than that, I did my best to put everything together into one semi-coherent piece. If anything important got left out, I am truly sorry.
     I look forward to having all of you participate with my future challenges. Hopefully even more people will continue to get involved and lend their unique flavor of creativity/craziness to my projects. (fingers crossed)

Facebook participation was slim. But what it lacked in quantity, it make up for in quality.
Facebook participants :
Robin Dare Easley, Amber Linares, Morgan Morales

Google+ is the clear winner in quantity of participation.
Google+ participants :
Matthew Gardiner, Shido Itsuka, Seth Piersma, hunter andersen, Pat Stef, James Hart, David Cleveland, John Walton, Alucin Acies, Chris Flegel, Josh Evitt, Brendon Kent, Debbie Green Razey, Jack R,  North Dugan Douglas, Jen Ogden, Nikolaus Bertino, Michael Estey, Angie Evergreen

Without further ado, I would like to present to you, The Pinnacle of Nonsense.

Honey, I'm home! Start the chainsaw!
...chainsaw - check - get this party started...
You are brilliant!!...I'll never win...
August the ninth is too near..
I need to use the toilet
Where does that old banana lead?
Coffee see free pee on t-pee
Keep your pee away from me.
A stupid zombie farted and died.
Boys will always find farting funny!
Then fart I shall, for smiles
Does this make me look fat?
Only when I look at you.
Join in the fun my friend.
i could do this all day
My one liners for old friends
it works inside the guidelines too
I love you so much Amber!
I want to lick your brain.
brains taste like bologna, itsa fact!
Good thing I loves my bologna.
I had two penguins, one broke.
Was it related to an artichoke?
they're both real, one's still alive.
thankfully i can have both fixed
I know a great penguin mechanic.
Brings back the dead and everything.
Just tell him I sent you.
Please don't mention his glass eye.
Blind date gone terribly wrong indeed.
And they lived, happily ever after...
...Building an army of rabid penguins...
Frothing, merrily ..through gritted, rotting beaks
I am arming them with lazers
Dales think they can beat Doctor
Damn it, the Doctor died again
I'm beside myself; cloning machine works.
forgot my pats, must use jello.
Christmas Present - Wrong Box - Accidentally Empty
Wait ... what's that under the flap?
Too see is too laugh hard
Where we are all laughing maniacal.
...and yet the maniac saw truth.
Tap dancer falls into the sink
My vacuum cleaner bit the dust.
Cleaning floors with towels and water
My cat it has three legs.
And had it more than three
it would be somebody else's cat.
Fat cat lays flat - take that!
three legged cat that lays flat
take it to join the circus
can it walk on it's head
Once upon a time, there was...
love - a wet patch in bed
Star couldn't sleep he's to bright.
Sheep that can't sleep count humans.
Clouds danced upon sweet girls feet.
The rain embraced her lips gently
and the angels called it good
Then the big brown shark came
and flashed it's big brown beep
It's not broccoli. It's baby trees.
Got in wrong car - driver shocked
car stolen police rung - wrong multi-storey
not that I'm ditzy or anything
Ditzy brained girls need love too.
suspended upside-down for hours - locked out
Sorry!!..I pressed the wrong button!!!!
I need to be more careful
on my painted horse and I
I cum riding, In open plains.
OOh, you are extremely dirty, Gertie!!
Broken condom? Fill the nearest hole.
No breaking condoms, there are consequences
camouflage, she doesn't see you cuming.
Get that out of there now
How did that get that there
Hahha wouldn't u like to know
Come a little closer to find out
I do believe I like that
Its in there, warm and cozy.
Oh my that fits rather nicely
What a delightful feeling this is
I thought I told u no
Let's do that again and again
My turn on too this time 
Backwards rodeos are just more fun
i'll ride that cowboy all day 
So please cover my lonely ass
Come on Jen, please join in! 
U r wanted in the hey
Sorry but this ride is alone
Score! knocks Jen off, pure domination
ooo... teary face, Angie got owned!
Oh my That had to hurt
Great that's a close call situation.
I don't know why but I..
hurry up..dont get paranoid..drink see..I deleted previous
I mean, why is everything blue??
Sorry, I'm here now, miss me?
like a cactus with an itch
really? I didn't think I could!
It just takes a gentle tickle. all the right places..
...the wrong places will work too...
but only if you dont look
...better go for my blind spot...
looks for glasses with no glasses
I am about doubled over broken
But broken with half a smile
smiles and hugs for you all
And a little extra for jack
extra squeeze and tickle for jack
please never stop, gasp... wait ouch!
Where are you tickles on him?
On his ear lobes and falanges.
I am a falange girl myself
Skilled phalanges are very fun too
mmmm those ear lobes how sexyyy 
playfully, breathily, nibbling on ear lobe
gonna tickle it or taste it?
I'll taste, tickles first, then flavour.
Tickle me and I'll tickle back
will you tickle with merciless feathers?
Yes, what bird species of feathers?
plucked fresh from vulturine guinea fowl
you have a vulturine guinea fowl?
please share it's plumage with us!
Unfortunately, I don't, they blew away
Nice bird, I prefer using tongue.
Interesting, I share the same preference
It appears we have a coincidence?
hmmm I am not sure coincidence 
Y'see I've seen your comments above
tasting leads to an orgasmic feeling... 
getting a little steamy in here
running away from talk of tongues.
Lol olol lolo lolll lulz lolololllol! 
I do believe I like that
Me Oh my what a tongue
He is experienced to be young 
awkwardness is something i'm experienced with....
what is this perverted madness madame?
the man is half your age!
Submissive to your skilled full touch 
submissive no way? not my taste.
I'm afraid his tongue's for me
Have at it if u please 
Madame can daydream all she wants 
Go ahead give it a try 
I just sit here and watch
no please do not just watch!
Madame knows there is love there 
Haha ok if you really want 
I am back here once again
Stop chatting my working wenches up!!!!
How are you two ladies behaving?
Not good at all my friend
Monica sat on a wall and 
what did Monica do, do, do??!!
Monica fell off that dirty wall
Betty Boop bopped a black bear
Betty flicked a booger at bear
Betty caught it and ate it
really the filth in our heads!
truthfully shameful to say the least
I know I am a disgrace 
I love you disgracie, nightie night!
Sorry that's from Matthew and me.
Actually that's from me and Jen
no worries you are good friend!
knew you as a sexual fiend
I still can't see too well
Why can you not see friend?
Not Fiend. I am the Devil.
a dirty devil... sounds bad ass
still looking for glasses without glasses
oh no! can't you use this?
holds up two gigantic magnifying glasses
Confused, I, to what this is
Oh, yes — awkward attempt at cleverness
Magnifying glasses are for the ants.
Can't wait for Miss. To see
For her, how outrageous we get?
She will laugh and become bonkers!
she is already completely f@*king nuts!!
Rolling on the floor laughing hard!
Watch the sh*t...Jacks been there...
What the f@*k is all this??
you must use six fu@*ing words!!!!!
Fck fck fck fck fck fck
okay that one got me good!
That jacks a funny f*@king f#*@er!!
talking off u again fck lol
you kept to six words..fck!!
This is fun! Speaking less than...
This is a load of Nonsense
I am laughing my pants off
Which is dangerous around you lot.
Yes, Matt might ponce the opportunity.
Well Norths was a complete accident
They came away in the tussle
He now has some shiny numbers
And he's about to lose them
He can borrow my tin-man underwear.
Celtic and Greek warriors Tussel naked
I smell romance in the air
weird, sweaty, angry wrestling man love
Its not weird, it is divine
Only if you wear tin underwear
And a snazzy pair of galoshes
galoshes to tread through the sweatiness
tin underwear to protect your virtue
And a mirror keeping you vain
A lock to keep you safe.
And to restrict your only freedom
can't restrict the freedom of mind
Unless the mind seems truly broken
Your man love is like superglue
it heals the most broken minds
...Well, because. Opiates were legal then.
Holy shit, Batman. It's getting late!

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