Friday, August 29, 2014


Since times immemorial,
the regal oak,
has been revered,
by the Druids.
Ancient Romes,
Goddess Diana,
is adorned,
with a string of acorns.
Keeping an acorn,
on a windowsill,
has been protecting us,
from lightnings strike,
ever since,
Thor sheltered from a storm,
under an oak tree.
If you are a woman,
you might want to start,
carrying an acorn,
on your person,
to delay aging,
and stay young forever.
Young lovers,
unsure of their fate,
place two acorns,
in a bowl of water,
representing themselves,
and the object of their affection,
if the acorns,
drift toward each other,
you are sure to marry.
So strong,
is the power of superstition,
in the tiny acorn,
fruit of the oak.

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